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チェロ専門店 MAGICO マジコ Top > チェロリスト > マヌエレ チーヴァ Manuele Civa

Manuele Civa

Cello チェロ 2016


クレモナ イタリア Cremona ITALY

mod "Stradivari 1720 Piatti" ストラディヴァリ ピアッティ1720 モデル

証明書:Certification by Maestro "Manuele Civa"

チェロ Civa

マヌエレ チーヴァ
Manuele Civa was born in 1987, he has been interested in wood processing since he was a child. After the secondary school, when he was 14 years old, he started the International School of Cellomaking in Cremona to cultivate his passion.
He studied under the guidance of M° Luca Bellini and M° Massimo Ardoli, and, during the years of the school, he made three Cellos, a viola and a cello. He graduated in 2006.
After the graduation he worked in M° Stefano Conia’s workshop where he extended his capabilities and his style improving his knowledge in varnish and restoration process. Since 2009 he has started his own activity in M° Stefano Conia’s workshop, becoming part of the group “Corso Garibaldi 95″.
His instruments are completely handmade with particular attention to the details to guarantee a good quality and acoustic efficiency, characteristics obtained thanks to the collaboration of his colleagues and musicians.
In 2010 he became member of A.L.I (“group of professional Cellomakers”) and of Consorzio Liutai “Antonio Stradivari” Cremona.

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マジコ クレモナ civa チェロ チーヴァ マジコ Cremona civa Cello チーヴァ

マジコ クレモナ civa チェロ チーヴァ マジコ Cremona civa Cello チーヴァ

マジコ クレモナ civa チェロ チーヴァ マジコ Cremona civa Cello チーヴァ

製作者協会 クレモナ civa チェロ チーヴァ コンソルツィオ マジコ Cremona civa Cello チーヴァ

製作者協会 クレモナ civa チェロ チーヴァ コンソルツィオ マジコ Cremona civa Cello チーヴァ

製作者協会 クレモナ civa チェロ チーヴァ コンソルツィオ マジコ Cremona civa Cello チーヴァ

製作者協会 クレモナ civa チェロ チーヴァ 製作者協会 クレモナ civa チェロ チーヴァ

MAGICO マジコ クレモナ新作 鑑定書 証明書

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チェロ チェロ ビオラ 販売 MAGICO