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Luca Ciuffoletti ルカ チュフォレッティ クラシック音楽 マガジン

Luca Ciuffoletti ルカ チュフォレッティ

Luca Ciuffoletti ルカ チュフォレッティの【クラシック音楽ジャーナル】

Violin Literature – “The Neglected Masterpieces
The influence of the older masters on present day interpretation - Jenő Hubay & Henri Vieuxtemps


Being born in Italy I was quite lucky “in the 80s”, to become the student of two great violin teachers: Giovanni Leone, prestigious exponent of the Neapolitan Violin School, as well as legendary violist of the “Quintetto Chigiano”, and Riccardo Brengola, first violin of that very quintet a soloist and pedagogue of great fame. The most influential for me was the long relationship with Riccardo Brengola which to me, in Siena and Rome, disclosed all the secrets of violin technique and interpretation that he had learned from his teacher, the legendary Arrigo Serato (1877-1948), who as an Italian violinist in Berlin (1895) came into contact with Joachim and Busoni. Joachim-Serato-Brengola, a true magical “long artistic breathe” that I could, in many ways “feel”, and which inspired me not only violinistically, but especially in maturing a religious respect towards classical music. The very essence for me as artist was forged by these two great masters with whom I also explored and learned a vast repertoire. Often have I noticed how narrow is the knowledge of violin literature among young players nowadays and it is precisely for this reason that I have decided to write some essays dedicated to the exploration of great works that, often unknown here in Japan, are considered pedagogically and artistically important. We will explore, issue by issue, not only lesser known concertos and chamber music works, but also solo violin literature (etudes and caprices) that constituted the base of violin technique for generations of violinists. I passionately believe that Japanese young musician too must come into contact with this “unfamiliar” violin literature in order to become “complete” musicians. As a student myself of such great teachers, I feel the responsibility to share such precious knowledge with a generation that should learn to guard and respect history. Leone and Brengola, sadly, are no longer among us, but their influence is still alive. Japanese have indeed the sensitivity and nature to become great musicians but are somehow penalized by the lack of “reliable knowledge sources”, often incomplete, unavailable and influenced by Japanese cultural tendencies. Anyone who wants to study and learn about Western music should strive to research “pure sources” of knowledge that, obviously, cannot be found within the Japanese school system. Only artists researching for “pure” sources will become true musicians. It is with this aim that I decided to start a new set of works titled: Violin Literature – “The Neglected Masterpieces”. The composers selected and their works will not follow a chronological order but will be presented in a scattered way to create less formality and to make the work less predictable. All literature here presented has been studied, performed or analyzed by me in the course the academic years in Siena and Rome. Do consider the content of these essays precious: this work is not about me, not about Italy or Japan but only about music and ethic. Let`s begin looking at first at the lives of two great masters: Jeno Hubay and Henri Vieuxtemps, following a pedagogical path.

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